Tekken 3 is one of the most visually-impressive video games since Final Fantasy VII, nearly identical with its arcade counterpart. When mashing the buttons and fighting the controller, be sure to notice the gorgeous graphics.

Many moves require an unusual combination of tapping and pushing directionals, followed by several attack buttons pulling off such moves is no easy task for anyone but veteran Tekken players. The special attacks are unique for every character, with little common ground to help associate between moves and characters, making for much memorization. The basic attacks are clumsy and difficult to string together. Tekken 3 is not an easy game to get into. This is the first PlayStation game compatible with the Dual Shock control pad, which provides force feedback to the players, similar to the Nintendo Rumble Pak. There are only four basic attack functions, one button for each limb. Other buttons can be assigned to sidestep into and out of the 3D ring, or to simulate pushing two attack buttons simultaneously. Robots and Native Americans and giant pandas are included, and some new characters created specially for the home version.

Ten players are available initially, but at least that many are also hidden, released when the players accomplish certain tasks. It does not have super moves or power bars or magical attacks, like many other fighters - only lots of bone-breaking, flesh-tearing, spine-tingling physical onslaughts. Tekken 3 is the latest in a line of wildly-popular 3D fighting games, each of which has been converted from its arcade format to the PlayStation. Tekken 3 is proof of the Sony PlayStation's power. With a dare like that, Namco had to prove them wrong. They said it couldn't be done on a home console system.