Door movement will remain halted when the switch is released.

Think about it some, then if you can't solve it, look at the attached LogixPro program. I am sure that many pedestrains would curse your soul if such a scheme was actually used! You need to come up with a way to save a button-push for use later in the cycle. Your method so far for the Walk depends upon a pedestrian pushing the button when the Timer T4:0 is at a certain stage (E/W Amber On, or N/S Amber Not On). Second, your walk light logic needs to be designed so that a pedestrian can walk up AT ANY TIME and push the Walk button. Delete either rung 8 or 9 for the O:2/3 E/W Walk Light. Light show program that will enable with correct password.First off, you should not normally have two rungs with the same digital output (redundant outputs).If one direction has traffic, that side green light will remain on until either a car comes on the opposite side or if the crosswalk button is pushed.When the Amber light appears, the Walk Sign will commence to flash On and Off and continue to do so until the Red signal appears.Once the Walk Sign is illuminated, it will remain so for the duration of the Green signal.If the Green light is already illuminated when the button is pressed then the Walk signal sequence will be delayed until the next Red to Green transition occurs.When depressed, the crosswalk push button will cause the appropriate Walk Sign to be illuminated at the next occurrence of a Red to Green transition for the appropriate direction.

1 second period (delayed green) with both directions having only their RED lights illuminated.The is my version of the Traffic Light Simulation on LogixPro 500. Traffic Light Simulator LogixPro w/ one Timer ON(Exercises 1 and 2 +EXTRA)